Summary. A nonhydrostatic model of atmospheric flows EULAG is set up over southern Poland on grid with 1km horizontal resolution. The goal is to test a short-term numerical weather prediction over complicated topography with explicit treatment convective processes. Boundary and initial conditions are interpolated from routine mesoscale hydrostatic UMPL model running at 17km resolution. OVERVIEW One of the limitations of contemporary mesoscale numerical weather predition (NWP), resulting from the coarse grid resolution is necessity to parameterize convective processes. Convection is responsible for intense mesoscale phenomena, like thunderstorms, flash-floods, mesoscale convective complexes, gust fronts e.t.c.. Other mesoscale phenomena: valley circulations, gravity waves, forced convection result from interaction of the flow with topography, which at a coarse resolution differs significantly from the reality. This means, that many important intense phenomena, important from the point of weather forecasting are not directly solved by a routine NWP model. In the following we describe an attepmt to overcome these limitations by running a limited area mesoscale model at a high resolution mesh on which many convection/small scale phenomena can be resolved directly. The high-resolution model was set up over southern Poland covering a square of 200x200x19km with switchable 1km/2km/4km horizontal grid with up to 60 unequally spaced levels in vertical. The area covered by symulations covers three different regions: a hilly terrain 200-450m a.s.l in the northern and middle part of the domain Wisla river valley, with flat bottom 190-250m a.s.l. and front ranges of Carpathian mountains peaking 1300m a.s.l. In the south. The computational area is embedded inside the mesh an operational hydrostatic UMPL NWP model [1], covering central Europe with 17km horizontal resolution. The analytic equations of motion (in anelastic approximation), thermodynamic energy equation, water substance conservation equation and equations for the cloud water, rain water and ice parameterizations (bulk or detailed) are solved by means of finite-difference approximations using the semi-Lagrangian/Eulerian nonhydrostatic anelastic model EULAG. Sevaral parameterizations of subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy, cloud and rain microphysics and other meteorological processes (e.g. Heat and humidity flux at the bottom) are available. More information on equations and numerical solutions can be find in [2,3,4,5]. In order to feed high -resolution EULAG with the low resolution UMPL data following operations were made: 1) conversion of UMPL's sigma-p to EULAG's sigma-z vertical coordinate; 2) interpolation of initial and boundary fields from UMPL's 17 km grid to EULAG's 1 km grid; 3) in a border of EULAG domain an interpolated topography with smooth transition from 17km resolution to 1km resolution was introduced; 4) since upper boundary of EULAG mesh is below the upper boundary of UMPL grid, the upper boundary condition has also been interpolated. In practice initial/lateral data were interpolated horizontally, using linear or spline interpolation in each level separately, later the data were interpolated vertically in columns to obtain requested number of levels .Vertical interpolation was done together with sigma-p – sigma -z transition.