Awareness in robotics: An early perspective from the viewpoint of the EIC Pathfinder Challenge "Awareness Inside"
Dimos V. Dimarogonas | C. H. Corbato | B. Bahrami | C. D. Santina | D. Bacciu | S. Haesaert | S. Sigg | L. F. D’Haro | Burak Sisman | S. Stroeve | M. Gasulla | S. Soudjani | Paul Verschure | Sabine Hauert | Ophélia Deroy | Pablo Lanillos | Claudio Gallicchio | Luis A. Leiva | Ioannis Arapakis | Michalis Vakalellis | Jean Vanderdonckt | Guido Manzi | Cristina Becchio | Aida Elamrani | Mohsen Alirezaei | Ginevra Castellano | Arabinda Ghosh | Ricardo Sanz | G. Iacca | Luc Steels | Carles Sierra