Hierarchical mapping of Northern Eurasian land cover using MODIS data

The Northern Eurasian land mass encompasses a diverse array of land cover types including tundra, boreal forest, wetlands, semi-arid steppe, and agricultural land use. Despite the well-established importance of Northern Eurasia in the global carbon and climate system, the distribution and properties of land cover in this region are not well characterized. To address this knowledge and data gap, a hierarchical mapping approach was developed that encompasses the study area for the Northern Eurasia Earth System Partnership Initiative (NEESPI). The Northern Eurasia Land Cover (NELC) database developed in this study follows the FAO-Land Cover Classification System and provides nested groupings of land cover characteristics, with separate layers for land use, wetlands, and tundra. The database implementation is substantially different from other large-scale land cover datasets that provide maps based on a single set of discrete classes. By providing a database consisting of nested maps and complementary layers, the NELC database provides a flexible framework that allows users to tailor maps to suit their needs. The methods used to create the database combine empirically derived climate–vegetation relationships with results from supervised classifications based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. The hierarchical approach provides an effective framework for integrating climate–vegetation relationships with remote sensing-based classifications, and also allows sources of error to be characterized and attributed to specific levels in the hierarchy. The cross-validated accuracy was 73% for the land cover map and 73% and 91% for the agriculture and wetland classifications, respectively. These results support the use of hierarchical classification and climate–vegetation relationships for mapping land cover at continental scales.

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