A Study of Efficiency-Campus Networks in Western Himalayan Universities of India

The present study focuses on efficiency of various networks commissioned on different campuses of six universities in the Western Himalayan region of India, within the framework of B-Node theory given by Cikara et. al. (2006). The study has been presented in three phases: i) The evaluation of efficiency for different campus networks as per their architecture. ii) The data handling capacity per user in the respective networks, which has been discussed in terms of throughput of core-switch and the efficiency of the network. iii) Finally, the segment/ component- wise efficiencies are measured for the real network system on the campus of H.P. University, Shimla, India, as a typical case, using Jperf software tool, and compared with those obtained by Cikara et al. The results are found consistent with a difference arising from the coupling factors.