Initial quantitative comparison of 940nm and 950nm infrared sensor performance for measuring glucose non-invasively

This project uses a non-invasive method for measuring the blood glucose concentration levels. By implementing two infrared light with different wavelength; 940nm and 950nm based on the use of light emitting diodes and measure transmittance through solution of distilled water and d-glucose of concentration from 0mg/dL to 200mg/dL by using a 1000nm photodiode. It is observed that the output voltage from the photodiode increased proportionally to the increased of concentration levels. The relation observed was linear. Nine subjects with the same age but different body weight have been used to observe the glucose level during fasting and non-fasting. During fasting the voltage is about 0.13096V to 0.236V and during non-fasting the voltage range is about 0.12V to 0.256V. This method of measuring blood glucose level may become a preferably choice for diabetics because of the non-invasive and may extend to the general public. For having a large majority people able to monitor their blood glucose levels, it may prevent hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and perhaps the onset of diabetes.