Human-Machine Communication for Educational Systems Design

1: Fundamentals of Human Perception and Reasoning.- Activity Theory: Implications for Human Computer Interaction.- Motion as a Variable of Visual Communication.- Laws of Visual Perception and Their Consequences for the User Interface.- Learning in Neural Networks.- The Probabilistic Retreat From Biases: Implications for Man-Machine Communication?.- Cognitive Load and the Acquisition of a Problem Solving Skill.- Referring in a Shared Workspace.- Rules in Dialogue.- Models of User Behaviour and Measures of Usability.- Behavioral and Perceptual Responses to the Constraints of Computer-Mediated Design.- The Acquisition of Troubleshooting Skill Implications for Tools for Learning.- Problems of Adaptive Action-Oriented User-Interfaces.- 2: New Media: Enabling Technologies.- New Human-Computer Interaction Techniques.- "Class, You're Not Making Enough Noise!" The Case for Sound-Effects in Educational Software.- Electronic Books and their Potential for Interactive Learning.- A Change of View: The Parameter Projection Problem in Three-Dimensional View Setting.- Animated Icons Promote Learning of Their Functions.- Generating Natural Language in an Immersive Language Learning System.- 3: Artificial Intelligence, Software and Design Techniques.- Cooperative Problem Solving as a Basis for Computer Assisted Learning.- The Design of Interacting Agents for Use in Interfaces.- Simulator-Based Training Using a Learning Companion.- Knowledge-Based Interface for Existing Systems.- Dialogue of Partners as a Method of Non-Formal Problem Solving.- Modeling a Partner in a Dialogue.- A Visual Knowledge Elicitation Language and Methodology for Acquiring Non-Verbal Expertise.- Visual Programming of Robots in Virtual Environments.- 4: Advanced Applications.- Interactive Learning and Natural Language Systems.- The Learner's Partner: Foreign Language Learning and Real World Encounters.- Psychological Peculiarities of Man-Machine Communication in Instructional Systems.- A Design for Accessing Multimedia Information Using Cohesion.- WISH: Writing Instruction Script in Hebrew.- A Method of Evaluating the Usability of a Prototype User Interface for CBT Courseware.- A Visual Display System for the Teaching of Intonation to Deaf Persons: An Explorative Study.- XProc Sim: An X Window Based GUI for the Dynamic Simulation of the Chemical Recovery Cycle of a Paper Pulp Mill.- Telephone Information System: Dialogue Specification Language.- Improving Functional Programming Environments for Education.- Designing an Intelligent Interface for an Advice-Giving System.- List of Participants.