SEMI International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaics (ITRPV) – Challenges in c-Si Technology for Suppliers and Manufacturers

The photovoltaic (PV) industry has to provide power generation products that are competitive to conventional and other renewable sources of energy. A technology roadmap helps to identify trends and to define requirements for necessary improvements. Significant parameters along the crystalline Silicon (c-Si) PV value chain are discussed in this work with respect to commercially available solutions. A cost of ownership consideration for cSi crystallisation, wafering, cell and module manufacturing reveals that the current drop of poly-Si prices to ≈20 $/kg puts the focus back on technology improvements that increase module output power by a more efficient use of all materials including Silicon. New technologies have to be implemented without significantly increasing cost per piece and despite necessary more complex manufacturing processes. The historic learning rate of about 21% can be maintained over the next years by introducing new double side contacted cell concepts with improved Si-wafers, improved cell front side, improved cell rear side and improved module technologies. This will result by 2020 in modules with an average output power of about 300Wp (60 cell modules). The combination of increased cell and module performance in conjunction with significantly reduced manufacturing costs will secure the long-term competitiveness of PV power generation.