Using Game-Based approach to enhance language learning for preschoolers in Tanzania

This paper presents a Game-Based approach to E-Learning that tries to mimic games to harness motivational properties in Tanzanian Preschools. A prototype system was developed, using a rapid development approach. The system was evaluated by twelve preschools across three regions in Tanzania namely Arusha, Iringa and Dar es Salaam to give an indication of the system's ability to make work with exercise in alphabetical sound articulation more engaging and fun. The pedagogical model of the application was based on learning theories. The results of the study have shown that the learning outcomes of the integrated digital-learning activities of alphabetical sound articulation among preschoolers improved. It projected that innovative digital content framework can serve as a means to inform policy makers, educators, and teachers about the potential use of Game-Based method in preschoolers' education and offer ideas and means to standardize sound articulation and language learning thus, improve the overall quality of education.