CommonSens: Personalisation of complex event processing in automated homecare

Automated homecare is an emerging application leveraging the increasing number of networked sensors. We present CommonSens, a complex event processing (CEP) system and query language that provide the abstractions of capabilities and locations of interest to facilitate the task of the application programmer through reuse, easier personalisation, and system supported sensor selection. To achieve these goals we have developed three independent models that represent the concepts an application programmer can use: (1) event model, (2) environment model, and (3) sensor model. The sensor capabilities and locations of interest allow us to decouple the event specification from a particular instance, i.e., an installation of sensors in a particular home. CommonSens investigates the particular environment and chooses sensors that provide the correct capabilities and cover the locations of interest. The personalisation is achieved by updating the values in the conditions, the locations of interest and the time specifications in the queries. We describe the proof-of-concept implementation of CommonSens and demonstrate with a use-case the ease of personalising a query in two different environments.