Preparation and characterization of the different types of collagen.

Publisher Summary This chapter presents methods generally applicable to the preparation of native collagen from a variety of sources. The preparation of a collagen sample generally involves several different steps. These include acquisition and preliminary processing of an appropriate tissue or organ, extraction of the collagen, and its purification. The latter process requires not only elimination of the noncollagenous components that are present in the extract, but may also require selective removal of alternative collagen types. This can usually be accomplished by a judicious use of selective precipitation techniques accompanied ultimately by one or two chromatographic steps. Given the extreme diversity of the tissues or organs in which collagen occurs as well as the multiplicity of collagen types that may be present in a given source, there understandably exists no single standard or preferred method for the preparation of collagen. Unless otherwise indicated, all procedures are conducted at relatively low temperatures, in the range of 4-8 °. This minimizes bacterial growth, enhances the solubility of native collagens, and ensures the retention of native conformation on the part of the solubilized collagens.

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