Object Perception : Structure and Process
Contents: J.L.F. Trespalacios, Object Perception and Phenomenology. H.E. Egeth, C.L. Folk, P.A. Mullin, Spatial Parallelism in the Processing of Lines, Letters, and Lexicality. J.R. Pomerantz, E.A. Pristach,C.E. Carson, Attention and Object Perception. L.A. Cooper, Mental Models of the Structure of Visual Objects. S.E. Palmer, Reference Frames in the Perception of Shape and Orientation. M.I. Lasaga, Gestalts and Their Components: Nature of Information-Precedence. B.E. Shepp, On Perceiving Objects: Holistic Versus Featural Properties. S. Ballesteros, Some Determinants of Perceived Structure: Effects of Stimulus and Tasks. G.R. Lockhead, Category Bounds and Stimulus Variability. J.D. Smith, Analytic and Holistic Processes in Categorization. L.B. Smith, P. Evans, Similarity, Identity, and Dimensions: Perceptual Classification in Children and Adults. D.G.K. Nelson, The Nature and Occurrence of Holistic Processing. T.B. Ward, Analytic and Holistic Modes of Processing in Category Learning.