Challenges of Database Systems Teaching Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic
Context: The Database Systems (DS) subject is a significant subject in Computer Science and Engineering-related undergraduate programs, as it supplies knowledge and abilities required for professional practice within the software industry. Teaching DS principles, concepts, and practices and relating them to real-world scenarios is challenging, particularly in social isolation circumstances due to Covid-19. Moreover, teaching resources can pose additional setbacks for teachers and students who are unfamiliar with remote learning. Purpose: This study investigates the DS students' perception regarding the methodology and teaching practices adopted by the teacher during the social isolation period. Method: We conducted a survey with the DS subject students to investigate their perception regarding the teaching methodology adopted, the challenges, and their motivation during this period of social isolation. Results: Our findings revealed that most students have adequate study conditions, i.e., a suitable environment for studying at home and the necessary equipment to attend online classes and perform the subject's practical tasks. Moreover, 79% of the students felt motivated to study the subject remotely, and more than 74% of the students endorsed the teaching methodology adopted by the teacher.