Yes, and. . .
I have just inherited two important historical testimonials: a complete collection of the Latin American Theatre Review and a short but equally intriguing bibliography entitled “Studies on the Latin American Theatre, 1960–1969” by Leon F. Lyday and George W. Woodyard. My benefactor and dear friend, María A. Salgado, helped me to cart these documents to my office as she cleared out after more than three decades of teaching and research at UNC-Chapel Hill. She witnessed the first group of women graduate here with four-year degrees in 1967; she paved the way for women professors at our institution; and she is one of many people who made it unnecessary to answer the question Lyday and Woodyard cite, and hope to render obsolete, in the introduction to their above-mentioned bibliography printed in Theatre Documentation, II (1969–1970): “Does any theatre really exist in Latin America?”