Hydrothermal synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of the mixed-valent Np(IV)/Np(V) Selenite Np(NpO2)2(SeO3)3.

The reaction of NpO(2) with SeO(2) in the presence of CsCl at 180 degrees C results in the formation of Np(NpO(2))(2)(SeO(3))(3) (1). The structure of 1 consists of three crystallographically unique Np centers with three different coordination environments in two different oxidation states. Np(1) is found in a neptunyl(V), O[double bond]Np[double bond]O(+), unit that is further ligated in the equatorial plane by three chelating SeO(3)(2-) anions to create a hexagonal bipyramidal NpO(8) unit. A second neptunyl(V) cation also occurs for Np(2); it is bound by four bridging selenite anions and by the oxo atom from the Np(1) neptunyl cation to form a pentagonal bipyramidal, NpO(7), unit. The third neptunium center, Np(3), which contains Np(IV), is found in a distorted NpO(8) dodecahedron. Np(3) is bound by five bridging selenite anions and by three neptunyl units via cation-cation interactions. The NpO(7) pentagonal bipyramids and NpO(8) hexagonal bipyramids share both corners and edges. Both of these polyhedra share corners via cation-cation interactions with the NpO(8) dodecahedra creating a three-dimensional structure with small channels that house the stereochemically active lone pair of electrons on the selenite anions. Magnetic susceptibility data follow Curie-Weiss behavior over the entire temperature range measured (5 < or = T < or = 320 K). The effective moment, mu(eff) = 2.28 mu(B), which represents an average over the three crystallographically inequivalent Np atoms, is within the expected range of values. There is no evidence of long-range ordering of the Np moments at temperatures down to 5 K, consistent with the negligible Weiss constant determined from fitting the susceptibility data. Crystallographic data: 1, orthorhombic, space group Pbca, a = 10.6216(5), b = 11.9695(6), and c = 17.8084(8) A and Z = 8 (T = 193 K).