Representation of the visual field in the second visual area in the Cebus monkey

The representation of the visual field in the second visual area (V2) was reconstructed from multiunit visual responses and anatomical tracers. Receptive field plotting was performed during multiple recording sessions in seven Cebus apella monkeys under N2 O/O2 and immobilized with pancuronium bromide. V2 forms a continuous belt of variable width around striate cortex (V1) except at the most anterior portion of the calcarine sulcus. In each hemisphere V2 contains a visuotopic representation of the contralateral visual hemifield. The representation of the vertical meridian is adjacent to that of V1 and forms the posterior border of V2. The representation of the fovea of V2 is adjacent to that of V1. The representation of the horizontal meridian (HM) is continuous with that of V1; then it splits to form the anterior border of V2, both dorsally and ventrally. The lower quadrant of the visual field is represented dorsally and the upper quadrant ventrally. The visual topography of V2 is coarser than that of V1. In V2, receptive fields corresponding to recording sites separated by a cortical distance of up to 4 mm may represent the same portion of the visual field.

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