Quasistatic and dynamic functional properties of thin superelastic NiTi wires

Abstract.2D/3D structures made from thin NiTi wires (d < 100μm) are currently considered for engineering applications in textile, medical or robotics fields. The development of such novel applications requires the knowledge of the thermomechanical behaviour of NiTi ultra thin wires in tension, torsion bending and combined loads, which might differ from that of thicker wires due to influence of texture, cold work and higher aspect ratio. To deal with this challenge, a new experimental testing approach presented in this paper has been developed. It includes thermomechanical tensile testing, combined tension-torsion testing and forced tensile vibrational testing realized on self-made testing rigs equipped with Peltier furnaces and in-situ electric measurement systems. The collected experimental datasets provide a basis upon which FEM implementable SMA models describing functional thermomechanical behaviours of 2D/3D NiTi wire structures (quasistatic and dynamic) are presently being constructed