C. elegans Atlas

SECTION I. HANDBOOK1. Introduction to C. elegans Anatomy2. Epithelial SystemPart I. HypodermisPart II. Seam CellsPart III. Interfacial Epithelial CellsPart IV. Atypical Epithelial Cells3. Nervous SystemPart I. General DescriptionPart II. Neuronal Support Cells4. Excretory System5. Muscular SystemPart I. Musclea. Overviewb. Somatic Musclec. Nonstriated MusclePart II. GLR CellsPart III. Head Mesodermal Cell6. Coelomocyte System7. Alimentary SystemPart I. The Pharynxa. General Descriptionb. Pharyngeal NervousSystemPart II. The IntestinePart III. The Rectum and Anus8. Reproductive SystemPart I. OverviewPart II. The Somatic GonadPart III. The Germ LinePart IV. The Egg-laying Apparatus9. Cuticle10. Subcellular Organelles and Cytoskeletal ElementsSECTION II: ELECTRON MICROSCOPY CROSSSECTIONS OF THE WORM(50-75 sections each with an annotated and colored [opaque] version on the opposite page)SECTION III: INDIVIDUAL NEURONSSECTION IV: GLOSSARYIndex