Effects of mycorrhizal fungi on the growth and mineral nutrition absorption of Dendrobium candidum

Six strains were inoculated into the tissue culture seedlings of Dendrobium candidum.After 60 days,the average fresh weights of seedlings had been higher than those of the control.In detail: The average fresh weight of seedlings,inoculated with GS222,GDB162,GDB254,MLX102,had been extremely significantly increased (α=0.01),and inoculated with CLN103,CLX104,had been significantly increased(α=0.05).The mineral elements contents of the seedlings had also been higher than those of the control ((except Zn).)And the fungal strains had already been reisolated from the mycorrhiza.It was found that there were pelotons in cortical and vascular tissue by the observation of the microstructure of mycorrhiza.Therefore it was confirmed that the(relationship) of symbiosis had been formed,the growth and mineral nutrition absorption of D.candidum had been promoted by the mycorrhizal fungi.So it was proved that GS222,GDB162,GDB254,MLX102,CLN103,CLX104 were good mycorrhizal strains of D.candidum.