Study of fuel cell CHP-technology on electricity generation sector using LEAP-model

우리나라는 에너지 절약 및 온실가스 배출저감 기술 중 하나로써 소형 열병합 발전과 소형 연료전지 열병합 발전을 연구해 왔으며 정책적으로 이를 보급하려고 한다. 기존의 석탄화력발전설비, 복합화력발전설비, 석유 화력발전설비를 열병합 발전설비로 대체하는 시나리오를 작성하여 에너지소비량과 온실가스 배출량의 변화추이를 에너지 경제 모델인 LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternative Planning system)을 이용하여 정량적으로 분석하였다. 2019년을 기준으로 열병합 발전설비를 석탄화력발전설비와 교체하였을 경우, 온실가스 배출량이 약 6.34%가 감소하였고 복합화력발전설비와 교체하였을 경우, 온실가스 배출량이 약 0.8%가 증가하였으나 열병합발전설비의 열생산량을 고려해주면 배출량이 감소하는 경향을 보일 것으로 사료된다. 석유화력발전설비를 열병합발전설비로 대체할 경우, 온실가스 배출량이 약 0.8% 감소할 것으로 예상된다. 【We study about small gas engine and fuel cell CHP (Combined Heat and Power) as the technologies for energy conservation and $CO_2$ emissions reduction. Korea government plans to use them in near future. This study quantitatively analyzed energy consumption and $CO_2$ emissions reduction potential of small CHP instead of existing electric power plant (coal steam, combined cycle and oil steam) using LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternative Planning system) as energy-economic model. Three future scenarios are discussed. In every scenario similar condition for each CHP is used. Alternative scenario I: about 6.34% reduction in $CO_2$ emissions is observed in 2019 due to increase in amount of gas engine CHP and fuel cell CHP while coal use in thermoelectric power plant is almost stagnant. In alternative scenario II: a small 0.8% increase in $CO_2$ emission is observed in 2019 keeping conditions similar to alternative scenario I but using natural gas in combined cycle power plant instead of coal. During alternative scenario II overall $CO_2$ emission reduction is observed in 2019 due to added heat production from CHP. Alternative scenario III: about 0.8% reduction in $CO_2$ emissions is observed in 2019 using similar CHP as AS I and AS II. Here coal and oil are used in thermoelectric power plant but the quantity of oil and coal is almost constant for next decade.】