Clinical significance of the measurement of crosslinked fibrin derivatives with monoclonal antibody

Plasma levels of crosslinked fibrin degradation products (XDP) in 500 healthy subjects (250 male and 250 female), 18 patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and patients with thrombotic disease were measured by the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using specific anti D-dimer monoclonal antibody.Plasma levels of XDP in 500 healthy subjects were 174 (38-309)ng/ml and sex related change was observed (p<0.01). High XDP values were observed in all of 18 patients with DIC. The results were also well correlated with those obtained by the latex agglutination assay.These results indicate that the measurement of XDP using anti D-dimer monoclonal antibody could be one of the sensitive parameters in thrombotic and fibrinolytic condition especially DIC.