Modern real estate
Partial table of contents: THE ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK. The American Real Estate Industry: An Overview. Regional and Urban Economics. Spatial Economics: Rent, Situs, and Succession Theory. THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT. Real Estate Interests and Forms of Ownership. Transferring Real Estate Interests. VALUATION AND THE APPRAISAL PROCESS. The Sales Comparison Approach and the Cost Approach. MARKETING, BROKERAGE, AND MANAGEMENT. Marketing. Brokerage. Asset Management: The Property Management Perspective. REAL ESTATE FINANCE. The Financial System and Real Estate Finance. Financing Mechanics: The Borrower's Perspective. Mortgage Underwriting: The Lender's Perspective. The Secondary Mortgage Markets. REAL ESTATE TAXATION. Income and Property Taxation. INVESTMENT ANALYSIS. Principles of Investment. The Discounted Cash-Flow Model. REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT. Land Use Feasibility Analysis. PUBLIC POLICY AND PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE. Government Involvement. Appendix. Compound Interest Tables. Glossary. Index.