The Martian Enigmas: A Closer Look: The Face, Pyramids, and Other Unusual Objects on Mars
From the Publisher:
Opinions about the possibility of life on Mars have changed over the years - from Percival Lowells' canals, to the dead planet image by the early Mariner missions to Mars, to the enormous volcanoes, great canyon systems, and channels carved by water seen by Mariner 9 and Viking. Among Viking's lesser-known discoveries was the "Face on Mars" - a mile-long formation resembling a humanoid head staring straight up into space. With NASA's recent announcement concerning the possible discovery of fossilized micro-organisms, opinions about life on Mars are changing once again. If microbes are now considered within the realm of possibility, why not intelligent life? Could the Face and other nearby objects have been built by an ancient technological civilization that vanished long ago, seemingly without a trace? In the first edition of The Martian Enigmas, Dr. Mark J. Carlotto presented a detailed analysis of the controversial Viking photographs. The revised edition greatly expands on his early work containing new research results that add further support to the claim that these objects may be precisely what many scientists have sought for decades: the first hard evidence that we are not alone.