Book Review: From the Peddler's Cart … the Lifeline of America: Development of the Food Industry

(life styles); Bourne (group influence); Stone (city shoppers); Martineau (social classes); Boomer (male market); Printers' Ink (why women buy and understanding teenagers); McNeal (consumer behavior of children); Wallin (senior citizens); and Alexander (ethnic groups). The McNeal article is an interesting exploratory study not previously published. The third part consists of six articles and the conclusions.. These research articles have been written by Vicary (psychiatric methods); Goldman (group depth interview); Mindak (semantic differential); Sommers (product symbolism); Beldo (attitude research) ; and Westfall, Boyd, and Campbell (structured techniques) . Some readers may question the need for bringing together material which is already in the best-read marketing publications. Seventeen of the 28 articles are from the Journal of Marketing and AMA Proceedings. On the other hand, he who is interested in a collection of articles directed specifically to one subject finds such a volume most useful. There are other questions. For example, although research is obviously important to understanding consumer behavior, one might question the inclusion of six articles on research techniques. It would seem that the book should aim at research or subject matter, but not perhaps at both. Further, one can glean much research methodology from the other articles which are included. Survey research, census data, personality testing, motivational research, and experimental research are included among the articles in Parts I and II. This reader's personal preference would