Implementation of Automatic Focusing Algorithms for a Computer Vision System with Camera Control.

Abstract : The POPEYE system is a grey level computer vision system developed for research and development. It provides a convenient environment for research by coupling a powerful microprocessor with a large base of support software. The particulars of the system's hardware configuration and software support are given after an explanation of the desires which motivated its fabrication. In addition to providing general computation and display capabilities, the system provides open loop manual or software control over the camera parameters of pan, tilt, focus, and zoom. This offers many advantages over fixed arrangements such as the ability to investigate focusing and elementary tracking algorithms. This work describes the implementation of several standard automatic focusing algorithms on the POPEYE system and provides experimental evaluation and comparison. This leaves the system with a valuable enhancement and provides a starting point for the implementation of a production focusing system. There are many possible uses for such a system, including robotic assembly and inspection tasks. One application is the development of industrial inspection algorithms for the Factory of the Future Project. Part of this project involved the inspection of fluorescent lamp mount assemblies. Algorithms for the automated inspection of the assemblies are described which represent the solutions to difficult inspection problems currently beyond the capabilities of commercial vision systems. Suggestions for the implementation of a production focusing system are given alone with suggestions for possible hardware improvements to the POPEYE system.

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