GW150914: The Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of First Discoveries.

Following a major upgrade, the two advanced detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) held their first observation run between September 2015 and January 2016. With a strain sensitivity of 10^{-23}/sqrt[Hz] at 100 Hz, the product of observable volume and measurement time exceeded that of all previous runs within the first 16 days of coincident observation. On September 14, 2015, the Advanced LIGO detectors observed a transient gravitational-wave signal determined to be the coalescence of two black holes [B. P. Abbott et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016)], launching the era of gravitational-wave astronomy. The event, GW150914, was observed with a combined signal-to-noise ratio of 24 in coincidence by the two detectors. Here, we present the main features of the detectors that enabled this observation. At full sensitivity, the Advanced LIGO detectors are designed to deliver another factor of 3 improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio for binary black hole systems similar in mass to GW150914.

D Huet | K Haris | C Bogan | A Gatto | A Basti | R Cavalieri | B. A. Boom | N. M. Brown | J-P Coulon | J-D Fournier | H. N. Isa | Namjun Kim | A Conte | J R Gair | Archisman Ghosh | F Barone | M M Fejer | A Di Virgilio | M Leonardi | I Fiori | A Kutynia | C Affeldt | E A Huerta | S. Klimenko | M. Fejer | P. Couvares | P. Graff | J. Gair | S. Babak | N. Gehrels | S. Fairhurst | A. Heptonstall | D. Hofman | D. Keitel | D. Kelley | W. Kells | R. Kennedy | J. Key | A. Khalaidovski | S. Khan | Z. Khan | E. Khazanov | N. Kijbunchoo | C. Kim | J. Kim | K. Kim | Y. Kim | E. King | P. King | D. Kinzel | J. Kissel | L. Kleybolte | S. Koehlenbeck | K. Kokeyama | S. Koley | V. Kondrashov | A. Kontos | M. Korobko | W. Korth | I. Kowalska | D. Kozak | V. Kringel | A. Królak | C. Krueger | G. Kuehn | L. Kuo | A. Kutynia | B. Lackey | M. Landry | B. Lantz | P. Lasky | A. Lazzarini | C. Lazzaro | P. Leaci | S. Leavey | E. Lebigot | C. Lee | H. Lee | H. Lee | K. Lee | M. Leonardi | J. Leong | N. Leroy | N. Letendre | Y. Levin | B. Levine | T. G. F. Li | A. Libson | T. Littenberg | N. Lockerbie | B. Abbott | E. Huerta | D. Holz | H. Chen | R. Abbott | T. Abbott | F. Acernese | K. Ackley | C. Adams | R. Adhikari | V. Adya | C. Affeldt | M. Agathos | K. Agatsuma | N. Aggarwal | O. Aguiar | L. Aiello | A. Ain | P. Ajith | A. Allocca | P. Altin | S. Anderson | W. Anderson | K. Arai | M. Araya | J. Areeda | S. Ascenzi | G. Ashton | S. Aston | P. Astone | P. Aufmuth | P. Bacon | M. Bader | P. Baker | F. Baldaccini | G. Ballardin | S. Ballmer | J. Barayoga | S. Barclay | B. Barish | D. Barker | F. Barone | B. Barr | L. Barsotti | M. Barsuglia | D. Barta | J. Bartlett | I. Bartos | R. Bassiri | A. Basti | M. Bazzan | M. Bejger | A. Bell | G. Bergmann | C. Berry | D. Bersanetti | A. Bertolini | J. Betzwieser | R. Bhandare | I. Bilenko | G. Billingsley | J. Birch | R. Birney | S. Biscans | A. Bisht | M. Bitossi | J. Blackburn | C. Blair | D. Blair | R. Blair | S. Bloemen | M. Boer | G. Bogaert | F. Bondu | R. Bonnand | R. Bork | V. Boschi | S. Bose | Y. Bouffanais | A. Bozzi | C. Bradaschia | M. Branchesi | J. Brau | T. Briant | A. Brillet | M. Brinkmann | P. Brockill | A. Brooks | D. Brown | A. Buikema | T. Bulik | H. Bulten | A. Buonanno | D. Buskulic | C. Buy | L. Cadonati | G. Cagnoli | C. Cahillane | T. Callister | E. Calloni | J. Camp | K. Cannon | J. Cao | E. Capocasa | F. Carbognani | S. Caride | C. Casentini | S. Caudill | M. Cavaglià | R. Cavalieri | G. Cella | G. Cerretani | E. Cesarini | S. Chamberlin | M. Chan | S. Chao | P. Charlton | É. Chassande-Mottin | Y. Chen | A. Chincarini | A. Chiummo | M. Cho | N. Christensen | Q. Chu | S. Chua | S. Chung | G. Ciani | F. Clara | J. Clark | F. Cleva | P. Cohadon | C. Collette | L. Cominsky | M. Constancio | L. Conti | N. Cornish | A. Corsi | S. Cortese | C. Costa | M. Coughlin | S. Coughlin | J. Coulon | S. Countryman | E. Cowan | D. Coward | M. Cowart | D. Coyne | R. Coyne | J. Creighton | J. Cripe | S. Crowder | A. Cumming | L. Cunningham | E. Cuoco | S. Danilishin | S. D’Antonio | K. Danzmann | V. Dattilo | I. Dave | E. Daw | D. DeBra | J. Degallaix | S. Deleglise | T. Dent | R. DeSalvo | S. Dhurandhar | M. Díaz | F. Donovan | K. Dooley | S. Doravari | T. Downes | M. Drago | J. Driggers | Z. Du | S. Dwyer | T. Edo | M. Edwards | A. Effler | P. Ehrens | J. Eichholz | S. Eikenberry | T. Etzel | M. Evans | T. Evans | V. Fafone | H. Fair | X. Fan | S. Farinon | B. Farr | W. Farr | Marc Favata | M. Fays | I. Ferrante | F. Ferrini | F. Fidecaro | I. Fiori | D. Fiorucci | R. Fisher | R. Flaminio | M. Fletcher | J. Fournier | S. Frasca | F. Frasconi | Z. Frei | A. Freise | R. Frey | P. Fritschel | V. Frolov | P. Fulda | M. Fyffe | H. Gabbard | L. Gammaitoni | S. Gaonkar | F. Garufi | G. Gaur | G. Gemme | E. Génin | A. Gennai | L. Gergely | V. Germain | A. Ghosh | S. Ghosh | J. Giaime | A. Giazotto | K. Gill | E. Goetz | R. Goetz | G. González | A. Gopakumar | M. Gorodetsky | S. Gossan | M. Gosselin | R. Gouaty | C. Graef | M. Granata | A. Grant | S. Gras | C. Gray | G. Greco | A. Green | P. Groot | H. Grote | S. Grunewald | G. Guidi | A. Gupta | M. Gupta | R. Gustafson | B. Hall | E. Hall | G. Hammond | M. Haney | M. Hanke | J. Hanks | C. Hanna | J. Hanson | T. Hardwick | K. Haris | J. Harms | G. Harry | I. Harry | C. Haster | K. Haughian | A. Heidmann | M. Heintze | H. Heitmann | G. Hemming | M. Hendry | I. Heng | J. Hennig | M. Heurs | S. Hild | D. Hoak | K. Holt | P. Hopkins | J. Hough | E. Howell | B. Hughey | S. Husa | S. Huttner | T. Huynh--Dinh | R. Inta | J. Isac | M. Isi | B. Iyer | T. Jacqmin | K. Jani | P. Jaranowski | D. Jones | R. Jones | R. Jonker | L. Ju | C. Kalaghatgi | S. Kandhasamy | G. Kang | J. Kanner | S. Karki | M. Kasprzack | W. Katzman | S. Kaufer | K. Kawabe | F. Kéfélian | I. Khan | A. Lenon | N. Arnaud | K. Arun | B. Berger | M. Bizouard | V. Brisson | F. Cavalier | E. Coccia | M. Davier | R. Essick | V. Frey | M. Hannam | P. Hello | D. Huet | K. Izumi | V. Kalogera | M. Abernathy | T. Adams | P. Addesso | B. Allen | C. Arceneaux | M. Ast | C. Aulbert | J. Batch | C. Baune | V. Bavigadda | B. Behnke | C. Bell | J. Bergman | S. Bhagwat | C. Biwer | O. Bock | T. Bodiya | C. Bogan | A. Bohé | P. Bojtos | C. Bond | V. Braginsky | D. Brown | C. Buchanan | J. Calderón Bustillo | C. Capano | J. Casanueva Diaz | C. Cepeda | L. Cerboni Baiardi | R. Chakraborty | T. Chalermsongsak | C. Cheng | J. Chow | A. Colla | A. Conte | D. Cook | K. Craig | T. Dal Canton | N. Darman | H. Daveloza | G. Davies | R. Day | G. Debreczeni | M. De Laurentis | W. Del Pozzo | T. Denker | H. Dereli | V. Dergachev | R. Derosa | R. De Rosa | L. Di Fiore | M. Di Giovanni | A. Di Lieto | I. Di Palma | A. D. Di Virgilio | G. Dojcinoski | V. Dolique | R. Douglas | R. Drever | M. Ducrot | H. Eggenstein | W. Engels | R. Everett | M. Factourovich | Q. Fang | H. Fehrmann | S. Franco | T. Fricke | A. Gatto | B. Gendre | K. Giardina | A. Glaefke | L. Gondán | N. Gordon | X. Guo | K. Gushwa | J. Hacker | M. Hart | M. Hartman | K. Hodge | S. Hollitt | D. Hosken | E. Houston | S. Huang | A. Idrisy | N. Indik | D. Ingram | G. Islas | T. Isogai | H. Jang | S. Jawahar | F. Jiménez-Forteza | W. Johnson | E. Katsavounidis | T. Kaur | F. Kawazoe | M. Kehl | J. Lange | J. George | E. Ferreira | E. Gustafson | P. Brady | R. Byer | T. Corbitt | S. Di Pace | J. G. Gonzalez Castro | F. Khalili | Namjun Kim | R Abbott | F Acernese | P Ajith | B Allen | S B Anderson | W G Anderson | K G Arun | P Astone | P Aufmuth | C Aulbert | S Babak | G Ballardin | D Barker | B Barr | L Barsotti | M Barsuglia | I Bartos | R Bassiri | B Behnke | J Betzwieser | I A Bilenko | G Billingsley | M A Bizouard | T P Bodiya | F Bondu | R Bork | V Boschi | C Bradaschia | V B Braginsky | J E Brau | A Brillet | M Brinkmann | V Brisson | A F Brooks | D A Brown | H J Bulten | A Buonanno | D Buskulic | L Cadonati | G Cagnoli | E Calloni | J B Camp | K C Cannon | J Cao | F Carbognani | S Caride | S Caudill | M Cavaglià | F Cavalier | G Cella | E Cesarini | T Chalermsongsak | P Charlton | E Chassande-Mottin | N Christensen | F Cleva | A Colla | D Cook | N Cornish | A Corsi | D C Coyne | J D E Creighton | A Cumming | L Cunningham | E Cuoco | S L Danilishin | S D'Antonio | K Danzmann | V Dattilo | M Davier | E J Daw | R Day | R De Rosa | J Degallaix | V Dergachev | S Dhurandhar | L Di Fiore | A Di Lieto | F Donovan | K L Dooley | M Drago | R W P Drever | A Effler | P Ehrens | T Etzel | M Evans | V Fafone | S Fairhurst | H Fehrmann | I Ferrante | F Fidecaro | R Flaminio | S Frasca | F Frasconi | Z Frei | A Freise | R Frey | P Fritschel | V V Frolov | M Fyffe | L Gammaitoni | F Garufi | E Genin | A Gennai | J A Giaime | A Giazotto | E Goetz | G González | R Gouaty | M Granata | A Grant | S Gras | C Gray | H Grote | S Grunewald | R Gustafson | C Hanna | J Hanson | J Harms | G M Harry | I W Harry | K Haughian | H Heitmann | P Hello | I S Heng | S Hild | D Hoak | K A Hodge | K Holt | D J Hosken | J Hough | B Hughey | S H Huttner | D R Ingram | T Isogai | D I Jones | L Ju | V Kalogera | S Kandhasamy | E Katsavounidis | K Kawabe | F Kawazoe | W Kells | A Khalaidovski | J S Kissel | S Klimenko | K Kokeyama | V Kondrashov | M Landry | B Lantz | A Lazzarini | N Leroy | N Letendre | T B Littenberg | N A Lockerbie | M L Gorodetsky | M Factourovich | S Husa | P-F Cohadon | T Briant | A Heidmann | S Ghosh | L Conti | J S Areeda | J A Clark | T Bulik | D D Brown | A S Bell | B P Abbott | M R Abernathy | K Ackley | C Adams | T Adams | P Addesso | R X Adhikari | N Aggarwal | O D Aguiar | A Ain | K Arai | M C Araya | G Ashton | S M Aston | P T Baker | S W Ballmer | J C Barayoga | B C Barish | J Bartlett | J C Batch | C Baune | J Bergman | G Bergmann | C P L Berry | S Bhagwat | R Bhandare | J Birch | S Biscans | C Biwer | C D Blair | O Bock | P Bojtos | C Bond | N M Brown | A Buikema | C D Capano | R Chakraborty | S J Chamberlin | S Chao | H S Cho | M Cho | J H Chow | Q Chu | S Chung | G Ciani | F Clara | L Cominsky | M Constancio | T R Corbitt | C A Costa | M W Coughlin | P Couvares | D M Coward | M J Cowart | R Coyne | K Craig | J Cripe | S G Crowder | I Dave | D DeBra | T Denker | T Dent | R T DeRosa | R DeSalvo | G Dojcinoski | S Doravari | R Douglas | T P Downes | S Jawahar | Nam-Gyu Kim | C Buy | N Arnaud | A Libson | V Dolique | M Heurs | J Hanks | D G Blair | A Chincarini | S Farinon | G Gemme | S Deléglise | N Gehrels | R L Byer | T D Abbott | V B Adya | M Agathos | K Agatsuma | L Aiello | A Allocca | P A Altin | C C Arceneaux | S Ascenzi | M Ast | P Bacon | M K M Bader | F Baldaccini | S E Barclay | D Barta | V Bavigadda | M Bazzan | M Bejger | B K Berger | D Bersanetti | A Bertolini | R Birney | A Bisht | M Bitossi | J K Blackburn | R M Blair | S Bloemen | M Boer | G Bogaert | A Bohe | R Bonnand | B A Boom | S Bose | Y Bouffanais | A Bozzi | P R Brady | M Branchesi | P Brockill | C C Buchanan | C Cahillane | J Calderón Bustillo | T Callister | E Capocasa | J Casanueva Diaz | C Casentini | C B Cepeda | L Cerboni Baiardi | G Cerretani | M Chan | H Y Chen | Y Chen | C Cheng | A Chiummo | S Chua | E Coccia | C G Collette | S Cortese | S B Coughlin | S T Countryman | E E Cowan | T Dal Canton | N S Darman | G S Davies | G Debreczeni | M De Laurentis | W Del Pozzo | M C Díaz | M Di Giovanni | S Di Pace | I Di Palma | J C Driggers | M Ducrot | S E Dwyer | T B Edo | M C Edwards | H-B Eggenstein | J Eichholz | S S Eikenberry | W Engels | R C Essick | T M Evans | R Everett | H Fair | X Fan | Q Fang | B Farr | W M Farr | M Favata | M Fays | E C Ferreira | F Ferrini | D Fiorucci | R P Fisher | M Fletcher | V Frey | P Fulda | H A G Gabbard | S G Gaonkar | G Gaur | J George | L Gergely | V Germain | K D Giardina | K Gill | A Glaefke | R Goetz | L Gondan | J M Gonzalez Castro | A Gopakumar | N A Gordon | S E Gossan | M Gosselin | C Graef | P B Graff | G Greco | A C Green | P Groot | G M Guidi | X Guo | A Gupta | M K Gupta | K E Gushwa | E K Gustafson | J J Hacker | B R Hall | E D Hall | G Hammond | M Haney | M M Hanke | M D Hannam | T Hardwick | M J Hart | M T Hartman | C-J Haster | M C Heintze | G Hemming | M Hendry | J Hennig | A W Heptonstall | D Hofman | D E Holz | P Hopkins | E A Houston | E J Howell | Y M Hu | S Huang | T Huynh-Dinh | N Indik | R Inta | H N Isa | J-M Isac | M Isi | B R Iyer | K Izumi | T Jacqmin | H Jang | K Jani | P Jaranowski | F Jiménez-Forteza | W W Johnson | R Jones | R J G Jonker | C V Kalaghatgi | G Kang | J B Kanner | S Karki | M Kasprzack | W Katzman | S Kaufer | T Kaur | F Kéfélian | M S Kehl | D Keitel | D B Kelley | R Kennedy | J S Key | F Y Khalili | I Khan | S Khan | Z Khan | E A Khazanov | N Kijbunchoo | J Kim | K Kim | Y-M Kim | E J King | P J King | L Kleybolte | S M Koehlenbeck | S Koley | A Kontos | M Korobko | W Z Korth | I Kowalska | D B Kozak | V Kringel | A Królak | C Krueger | G Kuehn | P Kumar | L Kuo | B D Lackey | J Lange | P D Lasky | C Lazzaro | P Leaci | S Leavey | E O Lebigot | C H Lee | H K Lee | H M Lee | K Lee | A Lenon | J R Leong | Y Levin | C J Bell | H P Daveloza | H Dereli | Z Du | S Franco | T T Fricke | B Gendre | S E Hollitt | A Idrisy | G Islas | C Kim | D L Kinzel | B M Levine | T G F Li | Y. Hu | H. Cho | T. Li | P. Kumar | D. Brown | S. Ghosh

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