Ground-water reconnaissance of part of the lower Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Most residential and industrial development i n the study area 1s along t h e coast o f Cook Inlet. Most o f the information about subsurface conditions i s obtained from wells along the coast. Ground water i s recharged by local precipitation, and slow drainage o f ground water t o the streams maintains streamflow during winters and periods o f no precipitation. Sedimentary bedrock o f the Tertiary Kenai Group i s the principal source o f water t o we1 1 s, b u t subsurface data are too sparse t o di fferentf ate individual aquifers w i t h f n the bedrock. Most bedrock we1 1 s are compl eted i n poor1 y consol idated sandstone. G I aci a1 tll 1 overl ies bedrock i n much of the study area, but few well s obtain water from t h e poorly penneabl e t i 1 1 . G l aci a1 outwash and abandoned-channel deposits i n major drainage-ways o f a l l u v i a l plains provide water t o wells but are l i t t l e u t i l i z e d and have not been explored by d r i l l ing. Intermorainal valleys and areas o f low relief are poorly drained, and deposits o v e r l i e surficl'al materials i n p a r t s o f t h e Bog hlghly iron-rich h a t i s t o mast consumers, i e and i e