Realization of International Healthy Hearing Program in Poland--hearing evaluation in participants of Special Olympics.

PURPOSE International Healthy Hearing Program developed by International Special Olympics in Washington DC performs hearing screening during athletics competitions of athletes with mental retardation. The aim of this study was to introduce hearing screening performed according to Special Olympics Incorporated (SOI) Healthy Athletes Program. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was performed in Polish participans of Special Olympics during Summer National Special Olympics Game in Olsztyn in 2005 and Winter National Special Olympics Game in Bialystok in 2004. HH evaluation was divided into 4 screening sequences: otoscopy, otoacoustic emission (DPOAE), tympanometry and pure-tone audiometry. During athletics competitions 208 Polish participants were examined. RESULTS Of the total 208 athletes screened: 156 passed OAE (75%), 42 passed pure tone screening at 25 dB HL (20.2%), and 5 more passed the pure tone threshold test (2.4%). It means total of 203 passing hearing testing (97.6%). Hearing impairments were detected in 4.8% athletes and 2.4% of athletes needed hearing aids. CONCLUSIONS HH Program provided a more precise analysis of hearing in the group of athletes with mental retardation and a recognition of subjects who need audiological care.