The Ontological Engineering Initiative (ka)

The Knowledge Annotation Initiative of the Knowledge Acquisition Community, (KA) 2 is an initiative to develop an ontology that models the knowledge acquisition community (its researchers, topics , products, etc.). This ontology will form the basis to annotate WWW documents of the KA community in order to enable intelligent access to these documents. (KA) 2 is an open joint-initiative where the participants are actively involved in (i) a distributive ontological engineering process to model the knowledge acquisition community (a domain on-tology), and (ii) annotating web pages relevant for the KA community (the instances of the domain ontology). (KA) 2 aims at intelligent knowledge retrieval from the Web and automatic derivation of \new" knowledge. In other words, it aims at knowledge-based reasoning on the Web, as opposed to information retrieval. Another objective of the initiative is to get better insight in distributive ontological engineering processes.