Probability, statistics, and analysis
1. The asymptotic speed and shape of a particle system D. Aldous and J. Pitman 2. On doubly stochastic population processes M. S. Bartlett 3. On limit theorems for occupation times N. H. Bingham and J. Hawkes 4. The Martin boundary of two dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes M. Cranston, S. Orey and U. Rosler 5. Green's and Dirichlet spaces for a symmetric Markov transition function E. B. Dynkin 6. On a theorem of Kabanov, Liptser and Sirjaev G. K. Eagleson and R. F. Gundy 7. Oxford Commemoration Ball J. M. Hammersley 8. Invariant measures and the q-matrix F. P. Kelly 9. The appearance of a multivariate exponential distribution in sojourn times for birth-death and diffusion processes J. T. Kent 10. Three unsolved problems in discrete Markov theory J. F. C. Kingman 11. The electrostatic capacity of an ellipsoid P. A. P. Moran 12. Stationary one-dimensional Markov random fields with a continuous state space F. Papangelou 13. A uniform central limit theorem for partial-sum processes indexed by sets R. Pyke 14. Multidimensional randomness B. D. Ripley 15. Some properties of a test for multimodality based on kernel density estimates B. W. Silverman 16. Criteria for rates of convergence of Markov chains, with application to queueing and storage theory R. L. Tweedie 17. Competition and bottle-necks P. Whittle.