A biogeographical analysis of the European Atlantic lowland heathlands

Questions: What is the climatic envelope of European Atlantic heathlands and the relationship between their floristic geographical variability and climatic parameters? Are the biogeographic patterns extracted from genuine heath plants comparable to those extracted from the accompanying flora? To what extent does the species composition extracted from phytosociological data support the current theory of refuge areas of heath vegetation in southern Atlantic Europe during the Pleistocene ice ages? Location: Atlantic Europe and NW Morocco. Methods: The geographical territory in which Atlantic heathlands occur was divided into 23 sectors following geographic and chorological criteria. A presence–absence table with 333 taxa was then constructed with the available phytosociological data. The taxa were classified into different groups according to their phytosociological affinity. Several types of numerical analysis were performed with this matrix and the climatic data obtained from meteorological sources. Results: Heathlands require a humid and oceanic climate and are limited by cold temperatures in the north and by summer droughts in the south. The highest floristic richness of this vegetation type is found in NW Iberia. Ordinations indicate a strong correlation between floristic composition of biogeographic sector and summer drought (Ios) and thermicity (It). Conclusions: The main climatic factors determining lowland heathland floristic distribution are thermicity and summer drought. The current optimal conditions for heath flora in NW Iberia suggest that there were southern refuges during the Pleistocene ice ages from which northward expansion has taken place.

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