Investigating preservice elementary science teacher reflective thinking using integrated media case-based instruction in elementary science teacher preparation
To improve the preparation of future teachers, we must come to understand their personal theories about teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice elementary teachers' theories about science teaching and learning through their reflections on integrated media case-based instruction, and subsequently to reflect upon and reform our own practice. Students in an elementary science methods course participated in a series of written and oral reflection tasks in response to integrated media instruction. Specifically, they responded to a videodisc case of a first grade teacher teaching a conceptual change unit about seeds and eggs. Considering their responses to the reflection tasks, we constructed a profile of these elementary preservice teachers. This profile consists of their images of themselves as future science teachers, the characteristics of their personal theories of teaching and learning, and the ways in which they frame classroom -problems. Our findings led to reforms in our methods course instruction and have implications for the preparation and continuing education of elementary science teachers. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sci Ed82:491–509, 1998