A configuration of pebbles on the vertices of a graph is solvable if one can place a pebble on any given root vertex via a sequence of pebbling steps. The pebbling number of a graph G is the minimum number pi(G) so that every configuration of pi(G) pebbles is solvable. A graph is Class 0 if its pebbling number equals its number of vertices. A function is a pebbling threshold for a sequence of graphs if a randomly chosen configuration of asymptotically more pebbles is almost surely solvable, while one of asymptotically fewer pebbles is almost surely not. Here we prove that graphs on n>=9 vertices having minimum degree at least floor(n/2) are Class 0, as are bipartite graphs with m>=336 vertices in each part having minimum degree at least floor(m/2)+1. Both bounds are best possible. In addition, we prove that the pebbling threshold of graphs with minimum degree d, with sqrt{n} << d, is O(n^{3/2}/d), which is tight when d is proportional to n.
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On pebbling threshold functions for graph sequences
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Pebbling in diameter two graphs and products of paths
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Glenn Hurlbert.
A Survey of Graph Pebbling