Efficient broadcast in opportunistic networks using optimal stopping theory

Abstract In this paper, we present a broadcast dissemination protocol for messages in opportunistic networks (OppNet) that is efficient in terms of energy consumption and network capacity usage, while not increasing the number of excluded nodes (nodes not receiving messages). The majority of the OppNet broadcast delivery schemes proposed in the literature, do not take into consideration that reducing energy and buffer usage is of paramount importance in these wireless networks normally consisting of small devices. In our protocol, broadcast messages are limited by carefully selecting their prospective forwarders (storers). The keystone of our protocol is the use of Optimal Stopping Theory, which selects the best message storers at every stage of the algorithm, while holding back broad message dissemination until convenient conditions are met. The broadcast efficiency of the proposed protocol out competes other OppNet broadcast proposals in four well-known scenarios. Furthermore, the protocol reduces the number of both dropped messages and nodes not receiving messages, thus maximising network capacity usage, and the span of the message delivery.

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