Financial Sector Reform and Privatization in Transition Economies

Introduction to the series. Preface and acknowledgements. Notes on the contributors. About the editors. List of exhibits and figures. List of tables. Main issues in financial sector reform and privatization in transition economies: introduction and overview (J. Doukas, V. Murinde, C. Wihlborg). Part One. Micro-Studies of the Financial Sector Banking sector restructuring in transition economies (A. Mullineux). Financial constraints on entrepreneurship in Estonia (V. Vensel, C. Wihlborg). Strategies to develop mortgage markets in transition economies (S. M. Jaffee, B. Renaud). Dividends and conflicts between equityholders and debtholders with weak monitoring: the case of India (S. Gangopadhyay, J.D. Knopf). Part Two. The Financial Sector in the Development of Market Economies Design of financial systems and economic transformation (I. Walter). The regulatory and public policy agenda for effective intermediation in post-socialist economies (A. Santomero). Universal banking: policy issues for emerging market economies (J. Kimball Dietrich, K. Pan, C. Wihlborg). Emerging stock markets: lessons from industrialized country history (R. J. Sweeney). Part Three. The Financial Sector and the Macroeconomy Regulatory change and the allocation of finance: the role of business conglomerates in Chile, 1983-1992 (N. Hermes, R. Lensink). Flow-of-funds and the macroeconomic policy framework for financial restructuring in transition economies (C.J. Green, V. Murinde). Part Four. Privatization and Foreign Investment Privatization in post-communist economies (M.A. Goldstein, N. Bulent Gultekin). Reducing political uncertainty and moral hazard in east-west financial relations (G. Elliason).