Enhancement Detection DDoS Attacks Using Hybrid N-Gram Techniques
DDoS attacks have always been a concern of cyber experts. To detect DDoS attacks, there are several methods that can be used. One of the methods used in this research is the N-Gram technique. The n-Gram technique analyzes the payload of data packets that enter the network to obtain attack patterns, data is captured and analyzed after which it is compared with net data packets. The chi-square distance value that is close to 1 indicates that the two packages are very similar, so that the data packet is not an attack. A value less than 1 means the data packet is categorized as an attack. In this research, the threshold for determining the level of attack can be lowered to obtain a very high detection accuracy. As a result, the 2-Gram technique has a detection accuracy rate with the lowest false positive value of around 13% with the highest true positive ratio reaching a value of 99.98%.