The impact of linear and non-linear signal distortions on Galileo code tracking accuracy

As part of the Galileo Project, ESA is funding many activities focusing on trade-offs, implementation and performance related to the Specifications of the Galileo Signals. The results presented in this paper are extracted from a report of signal analysis lead by Astrium Germany [1,2] 11 in the frame of the Galileo Phase contract [3]. Those results aim at supporting the specifications of the interface between the Galileo Satellites and the Galileo Signals based receivers, and consequently produce some elements for Payload and Receivers requirements specifications. However, due to the generic approach that has been retained, the results applicability is going far beyond the Galileo context. The degradation of code tracking accuracy parameters due to generic linear signal distortions for BOC(m,n)-type random signals and non-linear distortions on multiplexed signals with non-constant envelope is investigated in dependency of distortion parameters. The assessment parameters are power loss, correlation loss, S-curve-slope and bias. Linear distortions under investigation are sinusoidal amplitude ripple, linear amplitude slope, sinusoidal phase ripple, quadratic and cubic phase variation, band- limitation and spurious emission. Non-linear distortion is based on a general form of AM-AM and AM-PM for Tricode Hexaphase multiplexing, which is the main candidate method for non-constant envelope modulation within Galileo. Moreover, a specialisation to a third order polynomial for the AM-AM envelope transfer characteristic is considered. With these types of distortions, the most relevant degradations relative to an ideal payload and receiver are included. As far as possible, respective investigations are based on analytical considerations to get extensively applicable statements. But additionally, also base-band signal simulations are used.