The Role of Acoustic Sounding in a High-Technology Era

Summary This paper presents a brief synopsis of past, current and anticipated progress and problems in the use of acoustic remote sensing for basic and applied research of the lower atmosphere. The potential and reality of the sodar for determination of meteorological parameters and turbulence characteristics is discussed. Sodars’ place alongside other ground-based remote sensors, including radar wind profilers, radioacoustic sounding systems (RASS) and lidars, is elucidated. Areas of atmospheric research where Doppler sodar has certain advantages are described such as cost, sensitivity, spatial and temporal resolution and surface layer measurements. The use of sodar in networks of integrated radar/RASS systems designed to supply uninterrupted monitoring of atmospheric parameters for improvements in forecasts of weather and air quality is demonstrated.The special potential role of sodar in education and training of specialists is suggested to aid in developing and using new methods of atmospheric measurements and meeting the requirements of modern environmental science.A number of problems are formulated whose solution would favor further advancement of acoustic remote sensing in integrated systems for remote monitoring of the atmospheric boundary layer.

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