Max-plus convex sets and max-plus semispaces. II

We give some complements to Nitica, V. and Singer, I., 2007, Max-plus convex sets and max-plus semispaces, I.Optimization, 56, 171–205. We show that the theories of max-plus convexity in and -convexity in are equivalent, and we deduce some consequences. We show that max-plus convexity in Rn is a multi-order convexity. We give simpler proofs, using only the definition of max-plus segments, of the results of loc. cit. on max-plus semispaces. We show that unless ≤ is a total order onA, the results ofloc. cit. on semispaces cannot be generalized in a natural way to the framework ofAn =(An , ≤, ⊗), whereA:=M∪ {−∞}, withM=(M,≤,⊗) being a lattice ordered group and −∞ a “least element’ adjoined toM.

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