Mechanics and mechanobiology of mesenchymal stem cell-based engineered cartilage.

In this review, we outline seminal and recent work highlighting the potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in producing cartilage-like tissue equivalents. Specific focus is placed on the mechanical properties of engineered MSC-based cartilage and how these properties relate to that of engineered cartilage based on primary chondrocytes and to native tissue properties. We discuss current limitations and/or concerns that must be addressed for the clinical realization of MSC-based cartilage therapeutics, and provide some insight into potential underpinnings for the observed deviations from chondrocyte-based engineered constructs. We posit that these differences reveal specific deficits in terms of our description of chondrogenesis, and suggest that new benchmarks must be developed towards this end. Further, we describe the growing body of literature on the mechanobiology of MSC-based cartilage, highlighting positive findings with regards to the furtherance of the chondrogenic phenotype. We likewise discuss the failure of early molecular changes to translate directly into engineered constructs with improved mechanical properties. Finally, we highlight recent work from our group and others that may point to new strategies for enhancing the formation of engineered cartilage based on MSCs.

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