A model of central regulation of movement parameters
: The central processes responsible for a gradation of muscle torques or joint angles are suggested on the basis of the mass-spring hypothesis. Two fundamental commands (reciprocal and co- activative ) involved in the control over antagonist muscles are defined in terms of shifts of the so-called invariant characteristics (muscle torque vs joint angle). Each of the commands is graded by a neuronal ensemble arranged in line. Excitation propagates along the line at a centrally established rate. As the wave front moves, the output ensemble neurons are tonically recruited, and they discretely contribute to the respective command according to the superposition principle. The terminal position of the wave front of the reciprocal command is responsible for the final angular limb position, whereas the wave velocity--for the movement speed. The coactivation command just enhances muscle stiffness for a time of the movement. The theory presented is sufficiently well-defined to yield a variety of specific and testable predictions. After insignificant modifications the theory may be referred to the generation of the eye and head movements, both slow and fast ones.