Dynamics of Cvt Chain Drives: Mechanichal Model and Verification

This paper deals with the dynamics of continuously variable (CVT) chain drives. According to the discrete structure of the chain, which causes the polygonal actions, the mechanical model contains each chain link and pulley as a separate body. While a chain link is part of a strand, only joint forces including friction act on the chain links, whereas in the contact situation additional impulsive and frictional forces in the contact zones between the chain link's rocker pins and the tapered surfaces of the cone pulleys have to be taken into account. For the calculation of the contact forces Coulomb's friction law as well as a time sparing continuous approximation are applied. Simulation results show the innuence of the cone pulley's deformation on the power transmission. They also show the repercussion of the polygonal action. Furthermore the chain's pitch innuence on the vibrational behavior of the transmission is discussed. A comparison of calculated and measured tensional forces veriies the model presented. INTRODUCTION Continuously variable chain drives are used more and more in automotive drive train systems of compact cars. The aim of this projects is, to increase the fuel economy by running the engine always in its optimal operating range and therefore mostly with constant speed. In contrast to this the car's velocity varies continuously and hence the