Assessing Changes in Tactical Decision Making: FITE-JCTD Spiral 2 Operational Demonstration
Abstract : The goal of this study was to develop a methodology to assess training-related changes in decision making which could meet the unique challenges presented by tactical decision making scenarios in a mixed-reality environment. FITE scenarios provided the basis for development of a Situational Judgment Test (SJT) used to collect decision making data as part of the Operational Demonstration (OD). The SJT consisted of 54 vignettes (two for each of 27 decision themes identified across the FITE scenarios), each with five possible courses of action (COAs) that were rated by trainees (two squads of Marines) as to their perceived effectiveness. Half the vignettes (one for each decision theme) were completed by the trainees as a computerized pre-test, prior to participating in FITE OD scenarios within the IIT, and the other half were completed as a post-test following the OD. Trainees pre- and post-test ratings were compared to ratings provided by SMEs in order to assess changes in how expert-like their decisions were. Results show 72% of trainees reported that the training improved their ability to make decisions in an operational environment while Squad 1 showed more expert-like decision making post-FITE scenarios on 10 of the decision themes (three statistically significant) and Squad 2 showed more expert-like decision making on 13 of the decision themes (five statistically significant). Further observations and recommendations will be discussed.