Registration of ‘Laramie’ Annual Medic

32 Journal of Plant Registrations, Vol 1, May–June 2007 annual legume germinates in the autumn and grows through the winter with fl owering starting in February or early March. The fl owering habit is indeterminate with fl owering continuing until just before the plant matures and dies in May. The leaf is green (7.5 GY 4/4, Munsell Color Chart) and pubescent, with the underside being lighter in color. Leaves (three) are pinnate with the center leafl et having a longer petiolule than the two lateral leafl ets. Margins of the leafl ets are moderately serrated. Devine has no leaf markings. The stem is pubescent and branched at most nodes. Devine seldom exceeds 20 to 25 cm in height unless it is growing in association with a taller plant that will help support its stems. A seed yield from harvests with commercial machinery is 200 to 250 kg ha−1. Seed production under grazing has not been documented but it will produce an abundance of seed even when herbage is removed (Muir et al., 2005). This high level of seed production combined with the hardseededness permits this plant to persist under grazing and erratic rainfall patterns of central Texas. Disease and insect problems have not been observed under normal production practices, but we have observed powdery mildew [caused by Erysiphe polygoni DC], late in the season when total season growth is allowed to accumulate. Larval alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica Gyllenhal) will attack Devine, but this species is less affected than other annual medics (Muir et al., 2005). Foundation seed of Devine is available to licensees and for research purposes from Texas Foundation Seed Services (a division of Texas Agric. Exp. Stn.), Vernon, TX. Devine will not be protected by Plant Variety Protection, and only Certifi ed seed can be sold. Stand life on both Foundation and Certifi ed fi elds are limited to 5 years. There is no Registered class of seed. An exclusive release of Devine marketing rights has been licensed to Pogue Agri Partners, Inc. Kenedy, TX. Twenty years after the date of release by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (2005), seed will also be available from the NPGS.