Using enzymatic numerical P systems for modeling mobile robot controllers

P systems (PSs) are powerful computing models based on the structure of a biological cell and on the way chemicals interact in complex biochemical reactions which take place in various compartments (or membranes) of the cell. A lot of interest has been focused on developing various forms of PSs, from cell-like to tissue-like structures. Most of the research effort has been concentrated on symbolical PSs. Numerical P systems (NPSs) have been introduced in 2006 for possible applications in economics and business processes but no other structures and applications concerning this type of PSs have been provided since then. This paper proposes a new class of NPSs, in which enzyme-like variables allow the existence of more than one production function in each membrane, while keeping the deterministic nature of the system. The way this new type of deterministic NPSs works and a possible use of it for modeling mobile robot controllers are detailed.