차량소음예측 모델 ( Vehicle Noise Prediction Model )
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the noise from running
vehiceles by their sources as machine operation and friction
with air and road surface. Three types of vehicles, passenger
cars, buses, and freight trucks, are tested on the concrete and
aspalt pavements separately. The noise levels of vehicles were
measured while vehicles were measured while vehicles were running
at 40, 60 and 80 kilometers per hour with and without the engines
were running.
The overall noise levels from buses and trucks were similar while
the noise from passenger cars were relatively smaller as expected.
As speeds of vehicles were increased, the noise levels were also
increased. The increasing rates of noise due to the increasing
speeds were significantly different by types of vehicles. The
noise levels were higher with concrete pavement than with asphalt
pavement of the road. Since the noise level difference with
different pavements are mainly due to the friction with road
surface, the amounts of differences are notably different with
speeds and types of vehicles.