Electronic Tools for Translators

1. Translation in the information age The need for electronic tools Typologies of translation tools The process-oriented approach Tasks Further reading and Internet links 2. Translator-client communication and information transfer The use of e-mail, FTP and WWW-based working groups Transfer options Optimizing online file transfer Tasks Further reading and Internet links 3.Translation and the Internet The basics of the Internet Internet services The worldwide web Tasks Further reading and Internet links 4. Searching the web Web search strategies 1 - institutional search via URLs Web search strategies 2 - thematic search via subject trees Web search strategies 3 - word search via search engines Evaluating web documents Tasks Further reading and Internet links 5. Translation resources on the worldwide web Accessing national libraries online Browsing in virtual bookstores Encyclopedias and dictionaries Multilingual terminology databases Newspaper and magazine archives Tasks Further reading and Internet links 6. The world on a disk - Translation resources on CD-ROM The advantages of CD-ROMs Translation resources available on CD-ROM Strategies for accessing information on CD-ROM Reference works: Two case studies Tasks Further reading and Internet links 7. Computer-assisted terminology management Forms of terminology management - from file cards to hypermedia systems Managing terminological data using terminology management systems Managing terminological data with MultiTerm Tasks Further reading and Internet links 8. Corpora as translation tools A typology of corpora Building and analysing customized corpora Tasks Further reading and Internet links 9. Deja Vu?- Translation memories and localization tools Translation memory systems Working with a translation memory tool: Trados' Translator's Workbench Software localization tools A localization case study - Corel Catalyst Tasks Further reading and Internet links 10. A translator's sword of Damocles? An introduction to machine translation Popular conceptions about machine translation Machine translation and the roller coaster of history Machine translation - definitions, architectures and quality demands MT architectures Strategies for optimizing the quality of MT output The practical use of MT technology - high-end versus low-end systems Notorious problems in MT MT on the Internet Tasks Further reading and Internet links Glossary References Index