Effect of flushing on reproductive performance of Corriedale ewes.

A total of 80 Corriedale ewes, successfully lambed in the previous year, were selected from the flock of University's Sheep Research Station. The selection of ewes was made immediately after the return of flock from the summer grazing at high land pasture. The ewes were randomly divided into four groups viz. A, B, C and D with uniform distribution of body weight and age. Ewes in all the groups were kept on grazing. In addition, flushing of ewes was done by providing concentrate feed @ 100, 200 and 300 g per day to Group B, C and D, respectively for two weeks, immediately before breeding. Group A was kept untreated (control). Breeding was done on 15 days post treatment with the sires of proven fertility. Body weight was measured at weekly interval during the treatment and at lambing. Haemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV) and blood glucose were estimated at weekly interval during the treatment. No significant difference was observed in body weight, Hb, PCV and blood glucose amongst the groups. A gradual increase in body weight was observed in group B and C and highest weight gain was seen in group D. However, the Hb level decreased gradually in Group A, B and C and improved gradually in Group D. The PCV (%) also decreased in all the groups; however, Group D showed slight decrease from the initial value and maintained highest PCV than the other groups. But in blood glucose level no significant change was observed. Reproductive performance was better in group D with higher twin birth (10%), lambing percentage (90%) and average birth weight of the lambs (3.861 kg). Group C also showed equal twinning percentage and lambing percentage with group D, but the average birth weight of the lamb (3.577 kg) was lower than the other groups studied. No twin birth was observed in Group A and B. Concentrate supplementation @ 300 g to breedable ewes for two weeks before breeding was beneficial for improving the reproductive efficiency of ewes.