Optimization of wind turbine rotors - using advanced aerodynamic and aeroelastic models and numerical optimization

A comprehensive investigation of the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) model using detailed numerical simulations with an axis symmetric actuator disc (AD) model has been carried out. The present implementation of the BEM model is in a version where exactly the same input in the form of non-dimensional axial and tangential load coeffi cients can be used for the BEM model as for the numerical AD model. At a rotor disc loading corresponding to maximum power coeffi cient, we found close correlation between the AD and BEM model as concerns the integral value of the power coeffi cient. However, locally along the blade radius, we found considerable deviations with the general tendency, that the BEM model underestimates the power coeffi cient on the inboard part of the rotor and overestimates the coeffi cient on the outboard part. A closer investigation of the deviations showed that underestimation of the power coeffi cient on the inboard part could be ascribed to the pressure variation in the rotating wake not taken into account in the BEM model. We further found that the overestimation of the power coeffi cient on the outboard part of the rotor is due to the expansion of the fl ow causing a non-uniform induction although the loading is uniform. Based on the fi ndings we derived two small engi- neering sub-models to be included in the BEM model to account for the physical mechanisms causing the deviations. Finally, the infl uence of using the corrected BEM model, BEMcor on two rotor designs is presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEYWORDS rotor aerodynamics; BEM theory; induction; swirl; wake expansion; actuator disc model; wind turbine; energy conversion Correspondence Helge Aa. Madsen, Research Specialist, Programme of Aeroelastic Design, Wind Energy Division, Riso DTU, Denmark. E-mail: hama@risoe.dtu.dk Received 22 December 2008; Revised 5 June 2009; Accepted 29 June 2009 WIND ENERGY Wind Energ. 2010; 13:373–389 Published online 25 August 2009. DOI: 10.1002/we.359 NOTATIONS a axial induction factor acor1 axial induction factor after correction for wake rotation a` tangential induction factor c chord length (m) Cd drag coeffi cient Cl lift coeffi cient CPav average power coeffi cient Cpa power coeffi cient for axial loading Cps power coeffi cient based on shaft power 373 Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cpt power coeffi cient for tangential loading Cptot power coeffi cient for total energy conversion at rotor disc CQ local torque coeffi cient—tangential loading on actuator disc CT local thrust coeffi cient—axial loading on actuator disc Cx projection of lift and drag coeffi cients on tangential direction Cy projection of lift and drag coeffi cients on axial direction RESEARCH ARTICLE

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