StatAssist & GradBoost: A Study on Optimal INT8 Quantization-aware Training from Scratch

This paper studies the scratch training of quantization-aware training (QAT), which has been applied to the lossless conversion of lower-bit, especially for INT8 quantization. Due to its training instability, QAT have required a full-precision (FP) pre-trained weight for fine-tuning and the performance is bound to the original FP model with floating-point computations. Here, we propose critical but straightforward optimization methods which enable the scratch training: floating-point statistic assisting (StatAssist) and stochastic-gradient boosting (GradBoost). We discovered that, first, the scratch QAT get comparable and often surpasses the performance of the floating-point counterpart without any help of the pre-trained model, especially when the model becomes complicated.We also show that our method can even train the minimax generation loss, which is very unstable and hence difficult to apply QAT fine-tuning. From extent experiments, we show that our method successfully enables QAT to train various deep models from scratch: classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and style transfer, with comparable or often better performance than their FP baselines.

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