Thermo-mechanical modelling of a single-bead-on-plate weld using the finite element method

This work describes a three-dimensional thermo-mechanical finite element analysis of a single weld bead-on-plate of austenitic stainless steel performed as part of the NeT programme. The overall aim is to validate the use of finite element (FE) weld simulations to accurately predict residual stress states for use in the assessment of welded components. Here, the final residual stresses in the plate are predicted, which can later be verified through comparison with measured distributions. A one-way coupled analysis is carried out with the thermal and mechanical problems solved in sequence. For the thermal analysis, two approaches are adopted to simulate the welding process. In one case sections of the weld bead's elements are sequentially deposited, while in the other the whole bead is deposited simultaneously. A moving heat source is used to simulate the torch traversal over the weld bead in both cases. Predicted thermal profiles, residual stresses and equivalent plastic strains, due to the welding process are presented at certain locations in the plate.